

“I’ve known Lester Hutson for over 40 years. The books, messages (sermons), and resources he offers are the result of years of intense, prayerful study, and exhaustive research, as well as personal experience gained from a lifetime of being involved in the lives of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Although he has pastored churches of large congregations, he writes, teaches, and preaches in a style in which he shares his heart as if he’s sitting across the table from the reader or listener.

His love for the Lord and for people has created long, fruitful track records around the world as pastor, conference speaker, writer, counselor, mentor, and friend.”

Raleigh E Campbell
40+ years serving the Lord as foreign missionary, pastor, and church planter


whats_so_wrong_with_doing_rightWHAT’S SO WRONG WITH DOING RIGHT

Regardless of your stance on God, it’s obvious that a global meltdown is on the horizon. What’s So Wrong with Doing Right looks at the root causes of this drift to destruction, and at the only medicine with the power to turn the drift around. Issues such as honesty, unselfishness, impartiality, respect, character, earning your own keep, good science and peace are addressed.

The 25 chapters in this book look at where we are, where we could be and how to get there. The key is the heart. Until a person voluntarily chooses to do the right thing, there is no legitimate hope for substantial and lasting improvement. Activities that operate as “Christian” may not be what the Bible defines Christianity to be. This book will help you distinguish between the real and the counterfeit.

The central theme of this book is the power of true, biblical Christianity to successfully address the social ills that are currently destroying the people of Planet Earth. It approaches the crisis in which we find ourselves both individually and corporately.

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A History of Churches: The Survival of New Testament Christianity Against Overwhelming Odds traces New Testament Christianity from Jesus Christ to the present. This book shows how this line of Christianity grew in spite of the Roman government, the state-church, the Crusades, Islam and the Protestant Reformation. You will be introduced to the various groups of New Testament Christians in different centuries who survived extreme persecution. These true Christians held firm to the doctrine from Jesus Christ and multiplied, even though they faced overwhelming odds.

This 31 chapter book will stand scholarly inspection. It is well documented with over 800 endnotes and an extensive bibliography, but it is written for the common man. The book includes over 70 pages of charts and maps.

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what_we_believe_and_why_v1WHAT WE BELIEVE AND WHY – VOLUME 1

What We Believe and Why – Volume 1 is a collage of essays on key biblical doctrinal issues. It contains detailed explanations loaded with scriptural apologetics and over 1,800 Scripture references. The book is noted for sound exegesis and hermeneutics, making it a primer or anthology on basic Bible doctrine.

This book deals with the divine inspiration of the Scriptures and how to study effectively, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit and particularly how He convicts lost sinners, eternal security, God’s three-fold salvation, church discipline, social drinking, scriptural baptism, why church membership is important, the special ministry of the Apostles, local church theology and much more. This book consists of 52 chapters in annotated outline form making it ideal for teaching and systematic Bible study.

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what_we_believe_and_why_v2WHAT WE BELIEVE AND WHY – VOLUME 2

What We Believe and Why – Volume 2 is a second volume of essays in collage format addressing key doctrinal Bible issues. The 53 chapters contain detailed explanations loaded with scriptural apologetics and multiple Scripture references. This book is noted for sound exegesis and hermeneutics, making it a primer or anthology on basic Bible doctrine. It is in annotated outline form making it ideal for teaching and systematic Bible study.

Some of the chapters in this book are about why churches assemble, why people meet on Sundays, how God works in believers to accomplish His purposes, guardian angels, what true love looks like in action, the difference between faith and presumption, and why both the bread and the cup of the Lord’s Supper must be unleavened.

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christian_maturityCHRISTIAN MATURITY

Christian Maturity: Applying God’s Principles for Spiritual Growth will show you what true Christian maturity is and what it is not. This book will encourage you to grow in the Lord, but it may embarrass and convict you. You may realize that you are not where you could and ought to be at this point in your Christian life. This book will surely give you a means of measuring yourself.

There are definitive characteristics of maturity that people can see (yes, see). That evidence tells on and exposes you. The presence of certain characteristics say you have grown up; their absence says you haven’t. This book will show you what spiritual maturity is and then show you how it manifests itself. This book can help you with your own spiritual growth, and it can enable you to help others.

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what_happens_once_you_dieWHAT HAPPENS ONCE YOU DIE

What Happens Once You Die? is a short, concise salvation tract. Its primary purpose is to present the plan of salvation in a clear and interesting way. Though it embodies the gospel and is saturated with Scriptures on how to be saved from sin’s penalty, this tract is not a doctrinal polemic. It is addressed directly to lost sinners. In a logical, non-offensive way it invites them to come to Christ for forgiveness and eternal life. In unmistakable language it tells them how to do so. Tracts can be used in a wide variety of ways and planted in many places. This tract is ideally suited as an aid for those who would bring others to Christ.
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great_bible_truths_revisitedGREAT BIBLE TRUTHS REVISITED

Great Bible Truths Revisited is a collection of 50 essays dealing with difficult (and often misunderstood) Bible passages and issues. The central theme of the book is salvation exclusively by grace apart from works; however, there are many other themes: divine revelation, baptism, eternal security, the unpardonable sin, the sin unto death, the Holy Spirit, the church and its government, the death penalty, abortion, sex, the issue of free will and many more. The book is written in complete annotated outline form making it ideally suited for teaching and preaching. Most Scripture references are quoted in full and the book is easy to read. While it is especially suited for preachers and teachers, it will greatly benefit the man in the pew who wishes to gain a better, deeper understanding of the key truths of the Bible. The book is written in simple, straightforward language however the issues it addresses are far from simple. In this book you will find remarkable insight into tough issues.Great Bible Truths Revisited is a book that people will keep for many years as a reference manual.

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Amazon (Kindle – no DRMpaperback)


A proven soul-winning tool! This is a how-to book. It is an instruction book for soul-winners, not something to be placed into the hands of lost people. It teaches soul-winners how to systematically present the gospel message to lost people. It consists of six one-hour Bible lessons designed to be taught one-on-one in the home or other suitable location. It also contains a gospel presentation when you have only one brief opportunity. These six lessons are a course for a society that has less and less background knowledge of the Bible. It is designed to reduce the number of empty professions of faith as well as lay groundwork for further discipleship. It is ideal for missionaries and others who wish to reach lost souls, especially the hard-to-reach. The lessons are simple, straight-forward and easy to teach. The book is full of teaching advice, tips and techniques.

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Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)


Kindle – no DRM, paperback

Kindle – no DRM (Spanish), paperback (Spanish)

free outlines and charts

basic_discipleship_teachers_manualBASIC DISCIPLESHIP

This is a discipleship course. It is designed as a self-taught course for new believers or those who have not grown in the faith. The student works his way through 42 lessons each with questions, blanks or puzzles – all accompanied with Scripture references which provide answers. The student is to work through the lessons one-each-week under the oversight of a mentor who motivates the student and helps him stay on track. From the mentor the student receives one assignment each week. The student assignments come as a padded workbook; the mentor has the bound teacher’s manual complete with answers. The material systematically takes students along a growth path. It is an excellent tool for discipleship.

The paperback version is available only by ordering directly from Lester Hutson. The price is $15.00 plus postage and handling. The student version is available below as a printable PDF book.

Basic Discipleship – Teacher’s Manual

Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)

Amazon (Kindle – no DRM)

Basic Discipleship – Student’s Manual (PDF) free download

Other languages (free download):  Español

notes_on_studying_nehemiahNOTES ON STUDYING NEHEMIAH

This is a systematic outline study of the book of Nehemiah. These 24 outline chapters make Nehemiah easy to teach, preach and study.  This Bible book is explored in its natural divisions and developments.  Historical background, major themes and practical applications abound.  Questions and ideas for deeper study and research are interspersed throughout this study guide.  Hundreds of Bible passages are quoted or cited for further reference.

And what a book Nehemiah is!  Courage, leadership, building, facing opposition and trials, teamwork, the intervention of God, worship, revival, volunteers, money issues, sin and its consequences and much more.  It’s there in Nehemiah and this study guide will inspire and help you make this great book your own treasure chest!

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Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)

Amazon (Kindle – no DRM)

outlines_on_ruthOUTLINES ON RUTH

A goldmine of good exegesis and practical applications for current living!Outlines on Ruth flows chronologically and systematically through the Bible book of Ruth. The story line is presented in light of the culture, customs and history of that day, but the emphasis is on the timeless messages which speak to all men of all ages. The 16 chapters in Dr. Hutson’s analysis and commentary on Ruth accentuate the great parallels between Boaz, the kinsman redeemer, and Jesus Christ the ultimate Redeemer. A large number of other parallels and analogies are also explored.  The outline format makes this book ideal for teaching or preaching, however every reader will both learn and be inspired by this great story of redemption.

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Amazon (Kindle – no DRM, paperback) Kindle Unlimited – Can borrow for free

christian_family_principlesCHRISTIAN FAMILY PRINCIPLES

This perfect-bound book has 30 chapters dealing with many aspects of marriage, child-rearing and home life. It is written in annotated outline form making it ideal for teaching. It is a very functional tool for pastors who wish to teach or preach one or many lessons on the home. These are actually messages that Dr. Hutson preached on the home while he was a senior pastor. This practical and provocative book addresses such basic home issues as dating, child-rearing, bitterness, divorce, marriage conflict resolution, money management, sex and how to turn around a fractured marriage.

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Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)

Amazon (Kindle – no DRM)

cultivating_your_heartCULTIVATING YOUR HEART

This perfect-bound book is in two sections. Section one on The Heart of the Matter has 12 chapters. It zeros-in on the heart. God always looks on the heart. Regardless of what we do, until the heart is right, nothing is right. Fix the heart and you fix the man. Section two is on The Soil of the Heart. It has seven chapters all dealing with the condition of the heart. This section addresses Hard Hearts, Fallow Ground, Broken Hearts and more. This book goes straight to the heart of life and deals with where real help begins.

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Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)

Amazon (Kindle – no DRM)

survey_of_bible_history_1CREATION THROUGH THE FALL

Survey of Bible History, Volume 1
This study guide emphasizes divine creation and the importance of a literal interpretation of the Genesis account. It is a very enlightening book and a great tool for understanding origins. God started His book with creation. No truth is attack more aggressively by Satan especially in the academic world. It is vitally important that Christians have a working knowledge of the Bible position on this subject. This study is a great launching-pad for those who wish to know the truth on the key issue of origins.

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Amazon (Kindle – no DRM)


Survey of Bible History, Volume 2
No one can adequately understand the natural formations of this world (canyons, fossil fuels, sedimentary rock, aquifers, etc.) apart from a working knowledge of the great flood. This study guide deals with the flood of Noah and flood geology. It also deals with the origin of the various people groups of the earth. Both this guide and the Creation guide show how true science supports the Genesis account. The core factual information of the Bible is recorded in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. The first two study guides will greatly enhance one’s comprehension of this information and its significance.

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survey_of_bible_history_3THE PATRIARCHS

Survey of Bible History, Volume 3
This third study guide completes the study of Genesis. It covers the origin of the Jewish people and each of the great patriarchs of the Bible: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. It also included two chapters on the great patriarch Job. These lessons will greatly enhance one’s knowledge of God’s Word and make this era of history very exciting and relevant to today’s world.

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philippians_coverPHILIPPIANS: God’s Love Letter

This Philippians Bible study is ideally suited for personal study and enrichment.  This love letter from God will bless you personally and prove to be a valuable resource and guide for teaching or preaching through Philippians.  The great themes of Philippians are many and sublime:  commitment, evangelism, the magnificence of Christ, the salvation by Grace alone, sanctification, service, the second coming, unity, and many more.  Dr. Hutson systemically moves through Philippians with clear exegesis and explanations.  He shows how the church in Philippi is a model church.  Unlike other Pauline epistles, which are characteristically stern, Philippians is extremely tender.  He speaks affectionately to the church, but also exposes the subtle danger that always threatens every good church.  This commentary and sermon series provides insight to life in the young church at Philippi and will cause you to see how relevant life in that church is to churches in any day.

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This seven-chapter treatise on giving touches the heart of money issues. It addresses work, income, budgeting, debt, savings, investments, giving and many more. The critical issues of management and attitude toward material goods are foremost in the book. God’s four basic reasons for giving people money are presented along with four principles for getting out of debt. This book also presents six fundamental biblical principles for staying out of debt. Taxes, tithing, church giving and giving to the poor are all addressed in this book, which is excellent for personal guidance.

Monetary success and satisfaction are not as dependent upon how much money one makes or has as they are upon money management and one’s attitude toward material possessions. God’s Word is packed with monetary principles. This short book addresses many of them and provides a clear guide to material success and satisfaction.

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Amazon (Kindle – no DRM; Kindle Unlimited – Can borrow for free)


This book is a systematic and moving look at Jesus’ last week in a mortal body.  The book is not only scholarly and candid; it will touch your heart. The outlined studies are loaded with Scriptures which make the Crucifixion week flow naturally and become alive. Readers will feel very much like they were there watching it happen.  The 12 chapters in this book are ideal for teaching, preaching or simply preparing your heart to more fully appreciate the great work of God on behalf of sinners.

A day-by-day chart detailing The Crucifixion Week from a Jewish perspective is included.  This chart is based in part on an excellent one-page chart by scholar and artist Eddie Atkinson.  There is also a section which details the seven annual Jewish feasts.

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Barnes and Noble (ePub – no DRM)

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